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Snapchat Hacked? Duh! Of Course It Was.

Snapchat Hacked! Is there any sense of wonder left when another Internet giant (or any corporation, for that matter) gets hacked and loses your private information? No, the mystery died years ago, which is why we’ve basically forgotten about Target already. Of course was hacked. Here’s the recipe for how your corporation can be like theirs:

  1. Collect a ga-gillion pieces of user data all while…
  2. Paying lip service to privacy and security measures until…
  3. Your database is hacked, the press circles & customers revolt while…
  4. You pay expensive recovery costs and belatedly decide to…
  5. Implement security & privacy measures that could’ve saved you a ga-gillion.

Breach Happens, no matter how big or how small you are. But breach destroys only when you are unprepared.  When it comes to privacy, the most effective medicine is getting burned. Snapchat is lucky to have experienced it early in their lifetime. When will you get hacked? Will it disappear in 11 seconds…

Posted in Cyber Data Security, Online Privacy by Identity Theft Speaker .
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Do Fitness Apps Share Your Health w/ Others (Insurance Co’s)?

fitness appIs your health and fitness app sharing your health score with your insurance company? Do health apps pose privacy risks?

I recently had the opportunity to attend a very informative webinar presented by the Privacy Rights Clearinghouse entitled “Mobile Health and Fitness Apps: What Are the Privacy Risks?”

It was based on a nine-month study on privacy apps that many individuals use to monitor their health, learn about specific medical conditions, and help them achieve personal fitness goals.   Such apps may include those that support diet and exercise programs; pregnancy trackers; behavioral and mental health coaches; symptom checkers that can link users to local health services; sleep and relaxation aids; and personal disease or chronic condition managers.

These apps appeal to a wide range of consumers because they can be beneficial, convenient, and are often free to use.  However, it is clear that there are considerable privacy risks for users – and that the privacy policies (for those apps that have policies) do not describe those risks.

Posted in Online Privacy by Identity Theft Speaker .
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Data Privacy Expert on the Irony of’s Word of the Year has chosen its “word of the year”. Thank the etymological gods it’s not selfie, twerk or hashtag. No, this year’s most relevant, most searched word is:


Call me geeky, but this is happy news to privacy experts, because it raises consciousness that this stuff (your right to keep certain information to your self) actually matters.

 And consciousness has definitely been raised in 2013:

  • Data security and privacy experts everywhere should thank Edward Snowden for exposing the NSA surveillance programs that monitor every American’s phone calls, Facebook posts and emails for signs of terrorism (and any other data they care to intercept).
  • Thanks to SnapChat for making deleted photos recoverable (despite claims they disappear).
  • Additional kudos to Google Glass for raising awareness on how easy it is to capture intellectual property as criminals videotape their way through Fortune 500 offices, record ATM PIN numbers of the bank customer in front of them and deploy instant facial recognition software in a variety of social engineering schemes.

Posted in Cyber Data Security, Online Privacy by Identity Theft Speaker .
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Facebook Privacy and Security Info Graphic

Thanks to Naomi Paton from for sharing this Facebook Privacy Infographic!



Share this infographic on your site!
According to an early 2013 report from, Facebook still maintains the lead for American user engagement for a single web site — averaging a minute short of 6.75 hours per user in the month of Mar 2013. While this number is a decline from the same period in 2012 (with an average of nearly 7.25 hours per user), it’s obvious that American Facebook users spend a considerable amount of time on the site — more than any other social media site — revealing facts both mundane and interesting about their lives — facts that might be of interest to other people and companies, including those with ill intent.

Posted in Online Privacy by Identity Theft Speaker .
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Target Data Breach Touches 40 Million In-Store Shoppers

If you are one of the 40 million customers who have used a credit or debit card at Target stores in the United States between November 27 and December 15, you’d better start checking your accounts for fraudulent activity.  Target confirmed that the data stored on the magnetic strip of cards (customer names, debit or credit card numbers, and card expiration dates) were taken, along with the three-digit security codes  (CVVs) often imprinted on the backs of cards.

The type of data stolen would allow thieves to create counterfeit credit cards and, if pin numbers were intercepted, would also allow thieves to withdraw cash from ATM machines.  Only in store purchases are at risk, so online shoppers need not worry.

Target spokeswoman Molly Snyder would not comment on how customers’ data were stored or encrypted prior to the attack, saying that would be part of the ongoing investigation.  Target immediately notified law enforcement authorities and financial institutions, and the issue is being investigated by the Secret Service and a third-party forensics firm.

Posted in Fraud Detection & Prevention, Identity Theft Prevention, Sileo In the News by Identity Theft Speaker .
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10 Times NOT To Use Your Debit Cards this Holiday Season!

do not use debit cardAs you head into the holiday season, one of the best steps you can take to protect your bank account is to eliminate the use of your debit card. While delivering a keynote speech in Washington DC last week, someone asked me if I could name ten times when you should NOT use a debit card.  I replied, “It’s a trick question because the answer is NEVER!” I seriously do feel that way, but I know there are people who either need to or prefer to use a debit card rather than a credit card or cash, so I want you to be informed about how to use it wisely.

Posted in Fraud Detection & Prevention, Identity Theft Prevention by Identity Theft Speaker .
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Finland, Vodka & the Allure of Introversion


Finland, I had read, is a land of introverts.

Before landing in Helsinki, home to 600,000 of it’s 5.4 million Finns, I expected the lack of extroverts to mean I’d be delivering my keynote speech to a roomful of grumpy, anti-social Scandinavians. In the speaking business, we call it Death by Silence. By departure, I realized that not only is Finland not a part of Scandinavia1, but that introversion has little to do with reclusiveness, lack of expression or sociability.

Kristian, my taxi driver from the airport, confirmed in impeccable English that Finns, including him, would happily stare at their boots rather than look a stranger in the eye. We have not much time for small talk and if you smile at us before we know you, we might trust you less. And we like Formula One racing,” he added, with rumbling laughter. Racing is a solitary sport, I noted; laughter is not.

Posted in Business Life, Cyber Data Security by Identity Theft Speaker .

Elder Fraud Expert Answers: How do I prevent & resolve it?

seniors on computerThe past two blogs have outlined why seniors are targeted, what signs to watch for, and some common schemes.  Now for the truly important info: How to prevent elder fraud from happening and what to do if it does happen!

  • Report actual or attempted elder fraud (or any type of fraud) via’s Online Complaint Form.
  • Change the phone number if a senior is receiving excessive sales calls.
  • Change the bank account or credit card numbers if they have fallen into the hands of thieves.
  • Avoid getting on sucker lists. Don’t fill out contest entry forms at fairs or malls—they are a common source of “leads” for con artists. Ask companies you do business with not to share your personal information with other marketers.
  • Know your “Do-Not-Call” rights. Under federal law, you can tell a telemarketer not to call you again and you can file a complaint on the Do Not Call website.

Posted in Fraud Detection & Prevention by Identity Theft Speaker .
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Elder Fraud Expert Answers: What are the Most Common Schemes?

senior on internet ccIn our previous blog we talked about why senior citizens have become such a target for con artists and even unscrupulous relatives to commit elder fraud and take their hard-earned money.   We also talked about signs that they may be being duped.  Today, we want to make you aware of the variety of schemes that are out there.  This is by no means a complete list, but will give you a pretty good idea of what to watch for.

Common schemes:

  • The “Grandparents Scam”: someone phones or e-mails and pretends to be a grandchild in trouble. The elderly person, who may not have much contact with their grandchild, might be convinced and may wire money or send a prepaid debit card to help.
  • Offers of “freebies”: the Better Business Bureau of eastern Michigan reports that scammers now are offering seniors $3,000 in “free groceries savings certificates” along with a free medical alert bracelet. The scam may lure people to give away bank account information.

Posted in Fraud Detection & Prevention by Identity Theft Speaker .
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