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Security Keynote Speaker on Rachael Ray, 60 Minutes…



Cyber Security Keynote Speaker National TV Montage

The average security keynote speaker is technical in nature (Zzz), which sometimes means they can be dry and boring. Death by PowerPoint! This is not good for your event. In fact, it can be disastrous for a meeting planner’s career or an organization’s entire conference. You want a keynote speaker who will interact with your audience, make them laugh, help them to understand where the worlds of human behavior, technology and the Internet converge, so that they walk out of the presentation with greater insight into securing the information that defines them.

Ideally, the perfect cyber security keynote speaker for your event will blend content, laughter, entertainment and cutting-edge data with the specific outcome necessary to change your audience’s behavior. That won’t just make you the hero, it will make the event a home run for the attendees, which is what it’s all about anyway. Take a quick look of this video to see what an engaging security keynote looks like (on stage).

Posted in Cyber Data Security by Identity Theft Speaker .
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Facebook Privacy Settings Get Needed Update

Facebook Privacy Settings Update

Facebook Privacy Settings… Some may say it’s too little, too late. I’m relieved that Facebook is finally responding to concerns about their confusing and weak privacy settings.  The social media giant (who has been losing customers of late) has recently made several changes to their settings.

Facebook Privacy Settings Update

  1. Additional photo settings.  Your current profile photo and cover photos have traditionally been public by default. Soon, Facebook will let you change the privacy setting of your old cover photos.
  1. More visible mobile sharing settings.  When you use your mobile phone to post, it is somewhat difficult to find who your audience is because the audience selector has been hidden behind an icon and this could lead to unintended sharing.  In this Facebook privacy settings update, they will move the audience selector to the top of the update status box in a new “To:” field similar to what you see when you compose an email so you’ll be able to see more easily with whom you are sharing.

Posted in Online Privacy, Social Media Privacy by Identity Theft Speaker .
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Internet Privacy Expert Reviews DuckDuckGo Private Search Engine

Internet Privacy Expert - DuckDuckGoYou certainly don’t need to be an internet privacy expert to be bothered that Google and Bing track every word you type into your browser, compile that data into a meta-profile of who you are and then sell it downstream to people who want to get to know you intimately (including criminals). Cases of browser surveillance have been documented for years. So, for example, if your daughter types the word “bankruptcy” into your browser while doing a high school report, that information is sold to the credit card company you happen to visit next who serves you to a page with a higher APR since you’ve been “flagged” as a high-risk customer (thanks to your daughter’s innocuous search term).

The implications are even greater for companies, who have a lot to lose when surfing behavior falls into the hands of competitive spies, foreign governments or organized criminals. Case in point: I recently delivered a keynote address as an internet privacy expert to a group of Latin-American journalists at a BlackBerry conference. One of the most common questions the journalists asked was how to keep Google from recording their private (and potentially politically sensitive) search terms.

Posted in Online Privacy, Product Endorsements by Identity Theft Speaker .
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Heartbleed: There’s Always a Fee Behind Free

heartbleed,jpgWe all enjoy the luxury of checking off our to-do lists from the comforts of home.  Why make a stop by the bank when you can just log in and make that transfer from your laptop?  Who wants to go by the mall when you can find the exact size and color of that new jacket you want with just a little browsing on your iPad?  One click and it’s on its way to your doorstep.  All you have to do is make sure that little padlock is showing and you know you can securely share your personal information, right?

Until recently, I felt that sense of security, too.  I’ve taken (more than) reasonable steps to secure my information, so I pretty much order online whenever I want without giving it a second thought.

Until recently… and then came “Heartbleed”.

Posted in Cyber Data Security by Identity Theft Speaker .
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3 C-Suite Lessons from Target CEO Resignation

Target CEO Resignation - Steinhafel

Executives Educated by Target CEO resignation

Gregg Steinhafel, who has been Target’s Chief Executive Officer since 2008, has resigned months after one of the largest data breaches in history made Target stock value and sales plummet. He also resigned from the board of directors, although he will remain on in an advisory capacity. This is a major benchmark in data breach fallout, as Steinhafel, a 35-year veteran of the company, is the first CEO of a major corporation to lose his job over a breach of customer data. And given how lax most retailers are about their security (they spend, on average, only 6% of revenues, vs. 15% for banks), he won’t be the last.

Posted in Cyber Data Security, Leadership by Identity Theft Speaker .
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5 Steps to Stop Lost Wallet Identity Theft

[vimeo 92971105 w=640&h=360]

How to Protect Your Lost Wallet or Purse against Identity Theft

In a panic that your lost wallet or stolen purse might lead to identity theft?  Take a deep breath and then take the First 5 Steps to Stop ID theft. First, you need to understand that a lost wallet or purse is one of the most concentrated sources of identifying documents. For now, assume that your lost or stolen wallet or purse will be used to exploit your identity. Sometimes, even when your missing item shows up unexpectedly, the damage has already been done by a clever thief who is simply returning your valuables so that you don’t suspect further theft and shut down your accounts. Don’t take any changes. Instead, take these first five steps (adapted from my Identity Theft Recovery Guide):

Posted in Burning Questions (Video), Identity Theft Prevention by Identity Theft Speaker .
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Microsoft Warns of Internet Explorer Security Gap

Internet Explorer bugUntil Microsoft issues a security fix, I recommend discontinuing your use of Internet Explorer, regardless of version. 

A Security Advisory released by Microsoft on April 26, states that the company is “aware of limited, targeted attacks that attempt to exploit a vulnerability” in Internet Explorer versions 6 through 11.

According to the release, the vulnerability would allow an attacker to host a specially crafted website that is designed to exploit this vulnerability through Internet Explorer and then convince a user to view the website.

An attacker would have no way to force users to view the attacker-controlled content. Instead, an attacker would have to convince users to take action, typically by getting them to click a link in an email message or in an Instant Messenger message that takes users to the attacker’s website, or by opening an attachment sent through email.

Posted in Identity Theft Prevention, Online Privacy by Identity Theft Speaker .
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Do you know that panicked feeling, sweaty-hot pins and needles…

when you realize that you’ve lost your wallet or mobile phone? Gone are your credit and debit cards, driver’s license and maybe even checks or a Social Security card. Your phone might house addresses and phone numbers for your loved ones, passwords and logins for your financial accounts, and even access to your email program (allowing someone else to email as you, let alone make calls as you). While the wallet might contain cash and the mobile phone is expensive, they are worth virtually nothing compared to the value of the sensitive (and sellable) data they contain.

Posted in Burning Questions (Video), Identity Theft Prevention by Identity Theft Speaker .
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How do I Get Businesses to Ask For Photo ID?


You’ve probably heard that instead of signing the back of your credit card, you can protect yourself by putting the words “Photo ID required” or “See photo ID”.  So we went out to test this method to see if it actually gets people to do that.  I presented my card at various shops (sporting goods stores, frozen yogurt stands, fast food joints…) and filmed the transactions.  In this small sampling, I found five who did not ask for my ID and six that did.

I wonder if you can guess what the difference is between the people who didn’t ask for my ID and the ones who did.  The answer?  I had written “Photo ID Req’d.” on the FRONT of my card (in several places, in fact) in the cases where it was requested and only on the back where it was not.

Posted in Burning Questions (Video), Identity Theft Prevention by Identity Theft Speaker .
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