Posts tagged "Browser Privacy"

Stop Online Tracking Ep. 5: Flush Your Cookies


Watch the entire Browser Spies Online Privacy series. To view the entire series, wait until the end of each video and click on the Next Video button in the lower right-hand corner of your screen. As you watch each short video in your browser, make the necessary changes based on each simple video tip on protecting your online identity and privacy.

Browser privacy expert John Sileo and Fox & Friends have teamed up to educate consumers on how your surfing habits are being intercepted, collected and sold as you browse the Web. These tips give you more control over your Internet Privacy in short, easy to implement tips. Privacy exposure, browser tracking and constant data surveillance are a reality of the digital economy. It’s important to defend your data privacy before it’s too late.

Posted in Burning Questions (Video), Online Privacy, Video Tips by Identity Theft Speaker .
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Stop Online Tracking Ep. 4: Enable Do Not Track


Watch the entire Browser Spies Online Privacy series. To view the entire series, wait until the end of each video and click on the Next Video button in the lower right-hand corner of your screen. As you watch each short video in your browser, make the necessary changes based on each simple video tip on protecting your online identity and privacy.

Browser privacy expert John Sileo and Fox & Friends have teamed up to educate consumers on how your browsing patterns are being monitored, shared and sold as you surf the Internet. These tips give you more control over your online security in short, easy to implement phases. Data exposure, surf-tracking and constant browser surveillance are a reality of the digital age. It’s important to defend your information privacy before it’s too late.

Posted in Burning Questions (Video), Online Privacy, Video Tips by Identity Theft Speaker .
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Stop Online Tracking Ep. 3: Turn on Private Browsing


Watch the entire Browser Spies Online Privacy series. To view the entire series, wait until the end of each video and click on the Next Video button in the lower right-hand corner of your screen. As you watch each short video in your browser, make the necessary changes based on each simple video tip on protecting your online identity and privacy.

Online surveillance expert John Sileo and Fox & Friends have teamed up to educate viewers on how your data is being tracked, stored and sold as you surf the World Wide Web. These tips give you more control over your online privacy in short, easy to implement steps. Internet privacy, cookie tracking and constant web surveillance are a reality of the information economy. It’s important to defend your privacy before it’s too late.

Posted in Burning Questions (Video), Online Privacy, Video Tips by Identity Theft Speaker .
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Stop Online Tracking Ep. 2: Log Out of Spying Sites


Watch the entire Browser Spies Online Privacy series. To view the entire series, wait until the end of each video and click on the Next Video button in the lower right-hand corner of your screen. As you watch each short video in your browser, make the necessary changes based on each simple video tip on protecting your online identity and privacy.

Internet privacy expert John Sileo and Fox & Friends have joined up to educate you on how your data is being tracked, recorded and sold as you surf the Internet. These tips give you greater control over your online privacy in short, easy to implement steps. Web privacy, browser tracking and constant Internet surveillance are a reality of modern browsing. It’s important for you to protect your privacy before you have totally lost control.

Posted in Burning Questions (Video), Online Privacy, Video Tips by Identity Theft Speaker .
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Stop Online Tracking (6 Part Series with Fox & Friends)

This is a 6 part series with Fox & Friends on settings that keep your browser from collecting and sharing your private data. It begins with the Fox & Friends segment on Browser Spies.

Do you realize that every step you take, every click you make online is tracked, analyzed and sold or traded  to companies that want to market to you? I don’t know about you, but I get a bit fed up with outsiders having more control over my online identity and privacy than I do. This short video series, in partnership with Fox & Friends, is meant to help you take back a measure of control in your digital life.

To view the entire Browser Spies Online Privacy video series, wait until the end of each video and click on the Next Video button in the lower right-hand corner of your screen. As you watch each short video in your browser, make the necessary changes based on each simple video tip on protecting your online identity and privacy. Or, chose from the list of tips here:

Posted in Burning Questions (Video), Online Privacy, Video Tips by Identity Theft Speaker .
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Browser Spies: How to Stop Unwanted Online Tracking Ep 1

Episode 1: Protecting Your Privacy Against Online Tracking and Surveillance

Do you realize that every step you take, every click you make online is tracked, analyzed and sold or traded  to companies that want to market to you? I don’t know about you, but I get a bit fed up with outsiders having more control over my online identity and privacy than I do. This short video series, in partnership with Fox & Friends, is meant to help you take back a measure of control in your digital life.

To view the entire Browser Spies Online Privacy video series, wait until the end of each video and click on the Next Video button in the lower right-hand corner of your screen. As you watch each short video in your browser, make the necessary changes based on each simple video tip on protecting your online identity and privacy.

Posted in Burning Questions (Video), Online Privacy, Video Tips by Identity Theft Speaker .
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