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Posts tagged "cell phone"
Is your favorite gadget burning your bottom line?
No, I’m not referring to the unproductive hours you spend on Angry Birds. I’m talking about mobile security.
Why is Mobile Security So Vital?
Think about the most indispensible gadget you use for work – the one without which you cannot survive. I’m taking a calculated guess here, but I bet your list doesn’t include a photocopier, fax or even a desktop computer. Business people have become highly dependent on digital devices that keep them connected, efficient, flexible and independent no matter where they are. In other words, we are addicted to our mobile gadgets: iPhones, Droids, BlackBerrys, iPads, tablets, laptops and the corresponding Wi-Fi connections that link us to the business world.
Posted in Cyber Data Security, Fraud Detection & Prevention, Identity Theft Prevention by Identity Theft Speaker John Sileo.
Tags: Android, cell phone, Cyber Security, Deluxe, Droid, Free Webinar, iPhone, Mobile Office, Mobile Phone, Mobile Safety, Mobile Security, protect, Protect BlackBerry, Protect Droid, Protect iPhone, Secure Android, Secure BlackBerry, Secure Cell, Secure iPad, Secure iPhone, Secure Mobile, tablet, Webinar

- Are iPhones, Droids and BlackBerry mobile phones secure enough to be used for sensitive business?
- What is App Hijacking and how do I keep it from stealing all of my GPS coordinates, contacts, logins and emails?
- Given that laptops account for almost 50% of workplace data theft, how do I protect myself and my company?
- Are Wi-Fi Hot Spots a recipie for data hijacking disaster and what is the alternative?
- How do I protect my personal and professional files that live in the cloud (Gmail, DropBox)?
Free Webinar – Cyber Attack: Data Defense for Your Mobile Office
In the information economy, tools like the iPad, WiFi and smartphones have shifted the competitive landscape in favor of mobile-savvy businesses. But are you in control of your information, or are you being controlled? Learn how to be in control of your critical information while protecting your business’ mobile-digital assets.
Posted in Cyber Data Security, Identity Theft Prevention by Identity Theft Speaker John Sileo.
Tags: Android, cell phone, Deluxe, Droid, Free Webinar, iPhone, Mobile Office, Mobile Phone, Mobile Safety, Mobile Security, protect, Protect BlackBerry, Protect Droid, Protect iPhone, Secure Android, Secure BlackBerry, Secure Cell, Secure iPad, Secure iPhone, Secure Mobile, tablet, Webinar
Statistics say 1 in 2 Americans will have a smart-phone by December 2011. Many people keep their address, bank account numbers, passwords, PIN numbers and more stored in their phone. The mounds of information kept in smart-phones is more than enough to steal one’s identity with ease.
What most people don’t consider are the applications that they are using on a daily basis. What information is stored there? According to a recent Wall Street Journal article, more than you think.
After examining over 100 popular apps, they found that 56 transmit the phone’s unique device ID to companies without the user’s knowledge. Forty-seven of the applications transmitted the phone’s actual location, while five sent other personal information such as age and gender. This shows how many times your privacy is potentially compromised without your knowledge, just by playing music on Pandora.
Here are a few of the culprits:
Posted in Cyber Data Security, Identity Theft Prevention by Identity Theft Speaker John Sileo.
Tags: Applications, cell phone, cell phone safety, identity theft expert, Identity Theft Speaker, Information Security, iphone Apps, John Sileo, Security, Smatphones
Hack into a smart phone? It’s easy, security experts find.
In a new LA Times article security researchers Nick DePetrillo and Don Bailey have discovered a seven-digit numerical code that can unlock all kinds of secrets about you.
It’s your phone number.
Using relatively simple and some old-school techniques almost anyone can hack into your smart phone. With the new wave of cellphone applications and a lack in cell phone security, you are leaving your mobile device vulnerable to identity spies and thieves. Anyone, trustworthy or not, can create an iPhone application and with over 250,000 apps people are doing just that. How do you know that the application you are downloading and allowing to access your cellphone is legitimate? In most cases – you don’t.
Posted in Identity Theft Prevention by Identity Theft Speaker John Sileo.
Tags: cell phone, cell phone security, cellular phones, identity theft expert, Identity Theft Prevention, Identity Theft Speaker, John Sileo, LA times
Tapping Cell Phones: Identity Theft Solutions
Last week at an identity theft speech for the Department of Defense, I met two soldiers who alerted me to the new security risk of Cell Phone Tapping. SigInt (or signal interception) has long been a part of warfare and espionage. But the possibilities erupt with the advent of cell phone tapping. Imagine the conversation of a soldier being overheard by the enemy – deployment details, troop locations, command structure, strategic and tactical information. The prospect is terrifying for our national security.
Posted in Identity Theft Prevention by Identity Theft Speaker John Sileo.
Tags: cell phone, software, surveillance, tapping