Security Expert Hacks In-Flight Entertainment? 5 Cyber Lessons for Leaders

Did security expert Chris Roberts of Denver actually HACK INTO AND STEER AN AIRCRAFT from the inflight entertainment panel at his seat, as reported first by Wired?
Probably not. Though I did meet him at a conference of cybersecurity experts and he appeared to know his stuff. But it almost doesn’t matter, because the lessons we take away from it is the same. Here’s what I do know:
- I’ve seen ethical white-hat hackers (the good guys) penetrate mission-critical corporate networks through the unlikeliest of devices, including photocopiers, vending machines, surveillance cameras, thermostats and industrial control systems.
- In most of these cases, the breached organization vehemently (and incorrectly) assert that these devices were not connected to their “real” network. Further analysis shows that they were. Will the airlines claim the same?
- I’ve seen a driverless car hacked and started from a mobile phone.
- I’ve seen a pacemaker remotely accessed by a hacker and set to induce a deadly heart rate.