Is there such a thing as
Facebook Privacy? Or Twitter, LinkedIn or any other social networking/media sites? I’m not convinced that any of us really know the answer yet. I think we so-called privacy experts talk a big game, but the subject is still maturing, and definitely up for debate.
Who owns the data on Facebook? Who has access to the information stored in the Cloud? Are your Tweets admissible in court?
Join us in the debate as Mike Spinney of the Ponemon Institute and I host a seminar on Social Media’s Impact on Corporate Privacy next Thursday, August 13 from 9:00-9:45 a.m. Mountain Time. The Webinar is geared to anyone whose personal or business information is at risk of social media leakage. We’d love to hear your opinions, questions and comments.
The format will be casual and we will be discussing the following topics (time permitting):
Posted in Online Privacy by Identity Theft Speaker John Sileo.
Tags: facebook privacy, Online/Social Media Privacy
Like a wounded, cornered Doberman, I was irrational and reactive.
My blog was down, non-existent. When you earn your keep by communicating ideas, like I do as a professional speaker, any threat to the distribution of those ideas raises the peach fuzz on the back of your neck. After days of being unable to reach my webmaster by office phone, cell phone, SMS text, instant message or email, I dialed up the pressure on him to respond. I turned to the powerful and influential world of social media…
I tweeted him. Publicly.
@johnswebguy Where in the name of Google Earth are you? Why won’t you contact me? [poetic license applied to save face]
Posted in Online Privacy by Identity Theft Speaker John Sileo.
Tags: facebook privacy, Facebook Safety, Must Read, Tweet Breach, twitter breach, twitter privacy, twitter speaker