Posts tagged "identity theft expert"

Using the iPhone 4 to Spy on Competitors

Steve Jobs unveiled Apple’s new iPhone 4 on June 7 in San Francisco. While the new features keep the iPhone at the forefront of technology, they also cause some privacy concerns.

One concern that carries over from previous iPhone models is the Always-on iPhone Apps that track your every move through the GPS navigation system. Back in April, Apple began allowing location-tracking applications to run in the background.  So, for example, companies like FourSquare, Yelp, and Facebook can continuously track your location, providing automatic notifications  to your friends when you are less than 1/2 mile away from them, if you allow them.

Posted in Fraud Detection & Prevention, Identity Theft Prevention by Identity Theft Speaker .
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Facebook Announces New Privacy Settings

Last week we announced that Facebook was changing their privacy settings – again! Well the new changes have arrived and should be active on your Facebook the next time you log in. The Instructions that will lead you through the new settings will be posted at the top of your mini-feed:


By clicking on the Learn More button you will be directed to the Controlling How You Share Page:


This page will contain a long list of descriptions of your privacy settings, what you can control and what is made public and out of your control.  Click Edit your privacy settings to make the appropriate changes to protect your information and what you want to share on Facebook.


Posted in Identity Theft Prevention, Online Privacy by Identity Theft Speaker .
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Medical Identity Theft Increasing

Medical records are one-stop shopping for identity thieves. There is no need to slowly gather bits and pieces of someone’s personal information – it’s all packaged together: Social Security number, name, address, phone number, even payment accounts. Crooks have received everything from medication to a liver transplant using a stolen identity. And that’s only the tip of the iceberg! More than just medical treatment is at stake. Once a thief’s medical information is entered into your records, it’s extremely difficult to get rid of that information. It’s conceivable, for example, that at a later date, you’ll need a Type A blood transfusion but be given the thief’s Type B with dire consequences.

Posted in Identity Theft Prevention by Identity Theft Speaker .
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Facebook Launches New Security Feature

Facebook has announced a new security feature that focuses on keeping users’ information safe from hackers attempting to gain access into your account.

The feature was announced last Thursday, and is similar to how secured banking sites work — they only let you access the site from approved computers.  If you are attempting to log onto your Facebook account from an unknown computer, device, or location, Facebook will notify you via email and lock down your account in case it is under attack. To regain access, you will have to follow the link in the email which will lead you through a security check to verify your identity. They will ask you a few security questions and have you acknowledge that it was in fact YOU (or if it wasn’t you, then you notify Facebook at this point) trying to access your account.

Posted in Identity Theft Prevention, Online Privacy by Identity Theft Speaker .
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Breaking News: Google Admits WiFi Data Collection

Breaking News

Google has apologized after admitting that they were “accidentally” collecting users personal information that was sent over unsecured wifi networks. Head of communications at Google, Peter Barron, told the BBC that this was a ‘mistake‘ and more robust procedures will be put in place.

John Sileo became one of America’s leading Social Networking Speakers & sought after Identity Theft Experts after he lost his business and more than $300,000 to identity theft and data breach. His clients include the Department of Defense, Pfizer and the FDIC. To learn more about having him speak at your next meeting or conference, contact him by email or on 800.258.8076.

Posted in Identity Theft Prevention, Video Tips by Identity Theft Speaker .
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Boil the Frog Slowly: A Facebook Privacy Map

You are the frog and Facebook is the slowly boiling water. Here is an excellent visual representation of how your default Facebook Privacy Settings have changed over the years. If you want to see the interactive version, click on the picture below and it will take you to the website where you can click on the image year by year and watch your privacy erode. Essentially, the amount of blue on the chart is how much of your information Facebook is sharing with the outside world. Can you say boil the frog slowly?

I found this map in a revealing article on Facebook’s founder, Mark Zuckerburg published by The Register (U.K.).

The first source for the disturbing comments attributed to Zuckerburg were pointed out to me by my lead researcher, Liz. This article on Mr. Zuckerburg calling his first Facebook users dumbf*&%#$.  appeared on

Posted in Online Privacy by Identity Theft Speaker .
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Credit Card Scams: Celebrities Targeted

Wouldn’t you think Ben Stiller is famous enough to be immune to losing his identity to a thief? Not so! Credit card scams can bring anyone to their knees, even Hollywood’s most famous!

Many celebrities have recently been the victims of a credit card scam that seems too easy to be true. All it took was the suspect calling the credit card companies using the stars’ personal information, claiming the cards had been lost. He requested the replacement cards be sent to a Chicago address and in a matter of days was able to begin his shopping spree. Eventually, a skeptical undercover agent from the US Postal Inspection Service was able to think like a spy and detect the fraud after he hand-delivered the cards to the suspect.

Now this week Adedamola Olatunji, 29, a Nigerian-born man who allegedly used Stiller’s card to run up charges on iTunes and an on-line dating service, was indicted on forgery, mail fraud, theft, aggravated identity theft, computer fraud and other felony charges.

Posted in Identity Theft Prevention by Identity Theft Speaker .
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Read Article featuring John!


Shredded bliss: 5 steps to choosing the perfect paper shredder

Protect yourself from identity theft by shredding daily

By Michael Berg

Modern criminals may be stealing personal information electronically through sophisticated online data mining tools, but small-time crooks sorting through food wrappers and dirty diapers in the quest for discarded paperwork ‘still lurk.

In fact, not shredding potentially sensitive documents before you dispose of them is almost like begging to become one of the Federal Trade Commission’s estimated 9 million victims of identity theft in the United States every year. And with adequate shredders available for as low as $50, there’s almost no excuse — every household should have one.

Posted in Identity Theft Prevention by Identity Theft Speaker .
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Tax Time Identity Theft Prevention Tips

Identity theft speaker John Sileo shares his tax-time identity theft prevention tips.

This past week, I have been helping a gentleman recover from the theft of all of his tax records.  Before it is all over, this gentleman will have spent hundreds of hours and thousands of dollars simply preventing any further fraudulent use of his identity. That doesn’t account for any damages already done to his finances, criminal record, medical records or social security benefits. There is very little that is more damaging and dangerous to your identity than losing your tax records. After all, tax records generally contain the most sensitive personally identifying information that you own, including Social Security Numbers (for you, your spouse and maybe even your kids), names, addresses, employers, net worth, etc. Because of this high concentration of sensitive data, tax time is like an all-you-can-eat buffet for identity thieves. Here are some of the dishes on which they greedily feed:

Posted in Identity Theft Prevention by Identity Theft Speaker .
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