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As you head into the holiday season, one of the best steps you can take to protect your bank account is to eliminate the use of your debit card. While delivering a keynote speech in Washington DC last week, someone asked me if I could name ten times when you should NOT use a debit card. I replied, “It’s a trick question because the answer is NEVER!” I seriously do feel that way, but I know there are people who either need to or prefer to use a debit card rather than a credit card or cash, so I want you to be informed about how to use it wisely.
Posted in Fraud Detection & Prevention, Identity Theft Prevention by Identity Theft Speaker John Sileo.
Tags: “Debit card”, Expert, identity theft expert, John Sileo, Online Reputation, Reputation & Trust, Sileo, Speaker
It seems I’ve spent a lot of time lately writing about the Surveillance Economy. This may be a strange expression to some, so I’ll define it as the use and exploitation of our location information derived from traffic surveillance cameras, new technologies like Google Glass and cell phone GPS tracking, among others. Recent topics we’ve covered include the NSA PRISM scandal, hacking Google Glass, Homeland Security’s seizures of electronic devices when crossing borders, and even drone use. Some of those may seem to be out there in a world that doesn’t affect us directly, but here’s one that hits very close to home for anyone who owns a vehicle.
The American Civil Liberties Union released a report in July of 2013 entitled You Are Being Tracked that outlines the use of automatic license plate readers. These devices, which can be mounted on police cars or on objects like road signs or overpasses, use small, high-speed cameras to photograph thousands of plates per minute. They effectively collect and store information about not only vehicles of potential or known criminals, but everybody who drives a car!
Posted in Online Privacy, Sileo In the News by Identity Theft Speaker John Sileo.
Tags: “Surveillance Economy”, Expert, identity theft expert, John Sileo, Sileo, Speaker, surveillance
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vwt8B5tpLMI&rel=0]
Today marks the start of the Affordable Care Act (aka Obamacare). As with any new, massive, government-sponsored program, scammers and identity thieves will try to take advantage of the public’s confusion and unfamiliarity with the new Health Exchanges (which we’re calling Obamacare Identity Theft).
Posted in Burning Questions (Video), Identity Theft Prevention, Video Tips by Identity Theft Speaker John Sileo.
Tags: "Identity Theft, Affordable Care Act, Healthcare ID Theft, id theft, identity theft expert, John Sileo, medical identity theft, Obamacare, Sileo
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4A1ao99xEwo&rel=0]
There has been a great deal in the news about medical identity theft leading to death. Is it possible? Yes. Is it likely? Less likely than dying of a heart attack because you eat too much bacon. But let’s explore the possibility of death by medical identity theft (below, in this article), and why the threat gets sensationalized (in the video).
Posted in Burning Questions (Video), Identity Theft Prevention, Video Tips by Identity Theft Speaker John Sileo.
Tags: “prevent medical identity theft”, identity theft expert, identity theft medical, Identity Theft Speaker, John Sileo, medical identity theft, Medical Identity Theft Expert, Sileo
Social network monitoring becomes big business. Fresh off the heels of learning that the NSA has been gleaning data about us using information found on social networking sites comes the news that a
school district in California is paying a monitoring service to watch and report on what students are posting on sites like Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.
Glendale Unified School District is paying $40,000 over the next year to a company called Geo Listening to monitor its students’ social media activity. This program was introduced after one of their students, 15-year-old Drew Ferraro, committed suicide by jumping from the roof of Crescenta Valley High School. It started as a pilot project in three schools last year and is now being rolled out to all middle and high schools across the district.
Posted in Social Media Privacy by Identity Theft Speaker John Sileo.
Tags: "schools monitoring", “social network monitoring”, Expert, Facebook Monitoring, identity theft expert, John Sileo, monitoring kids social media, monitoring our kids, monitoring students", school surveillance, Sileo, Social Media Privacy, Social Networking Privacy, Speaker, Twitter Monitoring
Universities perfect learning environment for data security
Higher Ed Organizations are among the highest risk groups to become victims of identity theft and data breach. Because students are relative “beginners” when it comes to personal finances, because university environments are predicated on trust and credibility, and because of the recent progress towards a mobile-centric, social-networking-dominated campus, higher education’s digital footprint is constantly exposed to manipulation.

“The most engaging speaker I’ve ever heard – period.” Debbie Bumpous, NSU Chief Information Technology Officer speaking about John Sileo
“John Sileo was the secret sauce in launching our cyber security awareness program” – University of Massachusetts Director of IT
Posted in Identity Theft Prevention by Identity Theft Speaker John Sileo.
Tags: "Higher Education", "Identity Theft, Data Breach, data privacy expert, data security, Data Security Expert, identity theft expert, John Sileo, Privacy, Universities, University
Do you want to know how businesses can protect themselves and enhance their online reputations?
Would you like to know the answers to the following questions?
- Are businesses adequately protecting themselves online? If not, what more should they be doing?
- What is business fraud and how does it differ from consumer fraud?
- What should companies be thinking about when they get involved with social media?
- What can businesses do to monitor their online reputation?
- Should companies respond to everything negative said about them online? If not, what should they focus on?
- Should businesses be paying attention to their employees online? If so, how can they do that in an ethical way?
- What is the most important advice you would give a new business just starting to develop an online presence?
To learn the answers to these important questions, read the interview I recently did with Reputation.com.
Posted in Uncategorized by Identity Theft Speaker John Sileo.
Tags: “business fraud”, Expert, identity theft expert, John Sileo, Online Reputation, Reputation & Trust, Sileo, Speaker
Wrap Up Your Mobile Security this Holiday Season!
Your clients compute almost as much on mobile devices as on desktop computers. They read banking and investment emails on their smartphones, log in to sensitive financial accounts via their iPad and store mission critical data on their laptops. But along with the freedom and efficiency of mobile computing comes a great deal of risk – risk that threatens their net worth. Small devices are easier to lose, simple to steal and are tempting targets for data theft. And to top it all off, your clients protect their mobile devices like mere phones and book readers, instead of the computers they really are.
So, if you are thinking ahead about what to get your best clients for the holidays, we have the answer. How about a thorough list of privacy prevention practices to get them safely from Black Friday through New Year’s Eve? Sure beats a reindeer sweater or a fruitcake!
Posted in Uncategorized by Identity Theft Speaker John Sileo.
Tags: “Financial Planners”, “gift for clients”, “Holiday gift”, “Holiday gifts”, Clients, Gifts, holiday, identity theft expert, John Sileo, Mobile Security, Speaker
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w2oxGBSDW9E&ns?rel=0]
The story about the Texas parents who were terrified when their child’s video baby monitor was hacked struck me at first as a minor incident when viewed in the whole scheme of the world of hackers. After all, it is a rare event, no one was hurt, no threats were overtly made, and the child herself even slept through the event. But when I read more about it, I became increasingly bothered by the fact that I was not initially bothered by it! I mean, is that the creepiest of all feelings, to know that a stranger is watching your kids?
Posted in Cyber Data Security, Sileo In the News by Identity Theft Speaker John Sileo.
Tags: “security breach”, Expert, Hacking, identity theft expert, John Sileo, Sileo, Speaker