Posts tagged "John Sileo"

Summer School for Parents: Protecting Your Kids’ Social Media Privacy

girls phones summer
School is out for the summer and the tasks that often fall upon the shoulders of your local schools are now sitting squarely on yours.   In addition to making sure your kids practice their math facts, read regularly and get plenty of exercise, you’ll want to watch out for how they spend their free time when it comes to using Facebook, Tumblr, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube and other sites that can expose their social media privacy.

Social Media refers to web-based and mobile applications that allow individuals and organizations to create, engage, and share new user-generated or existing content in digital environments through multi-way communication.  Okay, that’s too technical. Social media is the use of Internet tools to communicate with a broader group. Some of the most common examples are listed above.  If you have elementary aged children, they may use more secure, school-controlled forms such as Schoology, Edmodo or Club Penguin, but if your kids are older, I can almost guarantee they’re into Social Media sites whether you know if or not.

Posted in Online Privacy, Social Media Privacy, Uncategorized by Identity Theft Speaker .
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WWBD? (What Would Bond Do?) Five Steps to Secure Your Business Data

I finally got around to watching the latest 007 installment, Skyfall, and it appears even James Bond has entered into the world of Cyber Crime as he tries to protect a computer drive with a list of British agents from falling into the wrong hands.  And like the proverbial victims in a James Bond flick, you and your business data are under assault, even though it may not always be as obvious as getting thrown off a train.  Why?  Because your business data is profitable to would-be thieves. And for many of those thieves, that data is easy to get and the theft can be next to impossible to trace.

Sony PlayStation Network, Citigroup, Lockheed and several others have seen more than 100 million customer records breached, costing billions in recovery costs and reputation damage.  If it can happen to the big boys, it can happen to you.  If you don’t have Bond on your side fighting off the villains, take these steps to take to secure your business data:

Posted in Cyber Data Security, Digital Reputation & Trust, Fraud Detection & Prevention, Identity Theft Prevention by Identity Theft Speaker .
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Cyber Security Expert John Sileo on Free WiFi Hotspots

Posted in Cyber Data Security, Online Privacy by Identity Theft Speaker .
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2 Truths & a Lie: Venture Capital Frenzy Misses Cyber Security Mark

Cyber Security Venture CapitalUSA Today recently opined that the venture capital flooding into the cyber security marketplace is justified. Unlike the dotcom boom and bust cycle of the late 90s, it says, the current spending on securing information capital is justified, as the Internet and corporate networks are in dire need of better protection. Without even a moment’s hiccough, this is undeniably true.

Take some recent cases in point: China hacking into the New York Times and Wall Street Journal, or the Syrian Electronic Army cracking into the Associated Press and 60 Minutes. If you’re looking for corporate examples, look no further than the $45 million stolen by cyber thieves via MasterCard pre-paid debit cards. Cyber security is the new darling of the Obama administration, the media and Sandhill Road because all three are finally learning how much they have to lose (or in the case of VCs, gain) by ignoring cyber security.

Posted in Cyber Data Security, Online Privacy by Identity Theft Speaker .
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Gladys Kravitz is Sniffing FREE WiFi Hotspots for Your Secrets

Is Gladys watching your Free WiFi Hotspot?

The free WiFi hotspot ritual is habitual. You head to your favorite café to get some work done “away from the office”. Justifying your $4 cup of 50 cent coffee with a Starbucks-approved rationalization (“I work so much more efficiently at my 3rd spot!”), you flip open your laptop, link to the free WiFi and get down to business. The caffeine primes your creativity, the  bustling noise provides a canvass backdrop for your artful work and the hyper-convenient Internet access makes it easy for someone else (think organized criminal) to intercept everything you send through the air.

Posted in Burning Questions (Video), Cyber Data Security, Identity Theft Prevention, Video Tips by Identity Theft Speaker .
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Twitter privacy expert John Sileo talking with 9News on the AP hack


This Tweet disrupted the stock market as well as gold and oil prices: “Two explosions in the White House and Barack Obama is injured”.

Posted in Online Privacy, Sileo In the News, Social Media Privacy by Identity Theft Speaker .
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eBay online fraud leaves you saddled with debt, junk you didn’t order

Online Fraud ebay

Sending unwanted orders to the innocent is an old, online fraud scam that most of us are aware of. But there’s a difference between an unwanted $13 pizza and an unwanted $13,000 purchase.

Online fraud can hit you in some truly surprising ways. Take the alarming case of Ars Technica writer Ken Fisher, who does not live in the UK or own an eBay account, yet received a notice from eBay UK out of the blue, congratulating him for successfully bidding $13,000 for 500 LED lights. In an article describing his experience, Fisher expresses his concern that this could happen, and his further frustration that his attempts to get in touch with tech support proved fruitless. Fisher was unsure of the origin of the message and whether or not it meant he was having online privacy issues. In the end, he just ignored eBay.

Posted in Fraud Detection & Prevention by Identity Theft Speaker .
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6 Ways Your Facebook Privacy Is Compromised | Sileo Group

One billion people worldwide use Facebook to share the details of their lives with their friends and may be unaware their Facebook Privacy could be compromised. Trouble is, they also might be unintentionally divulging matters they consider private to co-workers, clients and employers.

Worse yet, they may be sharing their privacy with marketing companies and even scammers, competitors and identity thieves. Luckily, with some Facebook privacy tips, you can help protect your account online.

Here are six ways Facebook could be compromising your private information and how to protect yourself:

Facebook Privacy

1.  The new Timeline format brings old lapses in judgment back to light. Timeline, introduced in late 2011, makes it easy for people to search back through your old Facebook posts, something that was very difficult to do in the past. That could expose private matters and embarrassing photos that you’ve long since forgotten posting.

Posted in Social Media Privacy by Identity Theft Speaker .
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Fraud Training (Not Technology) is the Achilles Heel of Cyber Security

Fraud Training

Ignoring fraud training as the foundation of your cyber security strategy is like counting on Google to educate your kids. Technology is a critical tool in the fight, but without well educated users, guided by knowledgeable teachers, the tools are a waste of your money.   

Thanks to President Obama’s state-of-the-union plug for increased cyber security, the Chinese hacking of the New York Times and Wall Street Journal, and the hacking of a prominent celebrities, America is waking up to the tangible value of virtual data. Awareness is definitely the first step, but it is only the tip of the privacy iceberg. Just as in the age before the internet, the only thing keeping employees from selling secrets or participating in fraudulent activity are the human controls that discourage the practice. But it’s all the more hair-raising to think of the amount of digital secrets an employee has access to at any given time. The new tale of a Reuters journalist gone cyber-rogue adds a chilling wrinkle to the perils of protecting the data that keeps corporate profits ticking.  

Posted in Cyber Data Security, Fraud Detection & Prevention by Identity Theft Speaker .
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