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Common Phishing Scenarios:
“Your account has been suspended” or “We suspect fraudulent activity on your account” or “You’ve won a contest” or “We owe you a refund”
If you’ve ever received an email, voicemail or text with a message like one of the above, you know how visceral your reaction can be. And chances are very high that the message is a fake.
Just as fishing is one of the oldest occupations around, phishing is one of the oldest scams around. Ever since email was invented, thieves have been phishing to get your information by cleverly impersonating a business or an acquaintance. They hope to trick you into giving out your personal information or opening a link or an attachment that downloads malware onto your computer so that they can gain access all of your data.
Posted in Cyber Data Security, Uncategorized by Identity Theft Speaker John Sileo.
Tags: "Phishing", John Sileo, Sileo
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gERBwp1o-yE&rel=0]
‘Tis the season to receive holiday scams in your email, on your Facebook page and via text. But you won’t be singing tra la la la la if you click on links that install malware on your computer! More and more of us seem to be conducting our holiday shopping online, and the cyber security Grinches are taking advantage of this new-found holiday convenience. There are several varieties of holiday scams that seem to come around each year.
The first red flag might be the Subject line of the email: “Order Confirmation”, “Acknowledgement of Order”, “Order Status”, “Thanks for Your Order”, “Problem With Your Order”, “Delivery Failure”, “Canceling Your Scheduled Delivery”, etc. It may tell you that an order is ready for you and you just need to click on the link to get the information about how to redeem it. Or, it may play on your fear of not getting a package out before Christmas and say you haven’t provided a correct address – this is a fear-based holiday scam.
Posted in Cyber Data Security, Identity Theft Prevention by Identity Theft Speaker John Sileo.
Tags: "Phishing", 9News Security Expert, Christmas Scams, Cyber Scams, Holiday Scams, John Sileo

Holiday Security Tips: On the tenth day of Christmas, the experts gave to me, 10 trusted charities
Because you tend to be more giving throughout the holidays, scammers target you during this time of year. Whether they are asking for a donation to a charity, promising free iPads, claiming to be a friend in need, or are asking you to click on something outrageous or out of character, don’t fall for it.
Solution: Keep your eyes open for these common holiday scams
- Phishing. Thieves, or hackers as they are more commonly known, will send emails that look like they are legitimately sent from a charitable organization when in real-life these are fake web sites that are designed to steal credit card information, donations and your identity. To donate, call or visit the website of a reputable charitable organization.
Posted in Identity Theft Prevention by Identity Theft Speaker John Sileo.
Tags: "Charity scams", "Click Jacking", "Phishing", “Holiday ID Theft”, “Online scams”, “Prevent Identity Theft”, “Preventing Identity Theft”, holiday, Holiday Identity Theft, Holiday Scams, holiday security tips, Holiday Shopping, John Sileo, Sileo
The latest scheme to target unsuspecting consumers aims right at the core of what matters to the average person on an average night: our entertainment! In a scheme unveiled by Jerome Segura in a blog post on the site Malwarebytes.org, scammers are going after the personal information and financial resources of Netflix users.
Here’s how it works:
You are on what looks like the real Netflix home page. You enter your information, but instead of taking you to Netflix, you are redirected to a page telling you your account has been suspended for “unusual activity”. You are given an 800 number for “Netflix Member Services” and a very authentic looking error code.
If you call this number, a real live human being answers sounding much like a real typical tech support person. They will be happy to help you (even if you give them bogus account information!) if you’ll just give them that error code. This then allows them to remotely access your computer.
Posted in Identity Theft Prevention by Identity Theft Speaker John Sileo.
Tags: "Phishing", Netflix, Scam, Scheme, Sileo