Posts tagged "Privacy Means Profit"

Privacy Means Profit Details Announced

Privacy Means Profit – On Shelves 8.9.10

Wiley & Sons has just announced final details on the release of my latest book, Privacy Means Profit. This book builds a bridge between good personal privacy habits (protect your wallet, online banking, trash, etc.) with the skills and motivation to protect workplace data (bulletproof your laptop, server, hiring policies, etc.).

Hardcover: 224 pages
Publish Date:
8.9.10 (August 9, 2010)
ISBN-10: 0470583894

Available for Pre-Sale from Amazon

Excerpt: At breakfast on the morning of August 12, 2003, a small and profitable computer company thrived at the foot of the Rocky Mountains. By lunchtime, that same business was on its way to ruin. Within twelve months, thanks to the theft of personal and company information, a forty-year-old family-business-turned-software-startup was doomed and John, heir to the prosperous enterprise, faced the prospect of prison for crimes he didn’t commit.

Posted in Identity Theft Prevention by Identity Theft Speaker .
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Fraud Training: Interrogate the Enemy

PMP-CoverDuring your fraud training exercises, fostering an attitude of curiosity (or in the corporate world, a culture of curiosity) is the most powerful critical thinking skill in your arsenal of tools to protect sensitive information. Employees who can think critically and ask the right questions regarding data privacy make up the fabric that supports a Culture of Privacy. Interrogation is the art of questioning someone thoroughly and assertively to verify intentions, identities and facts.

Questions: Who’s in Control? Can I Verify? What are my Options? What are the Benefits?

When spies need information, they ask for it. They “socially engineer” or con their victims with a variety of tools.

The primary tool for evaluating risk once your reflexes have been triggered (Hogwash) is to interrogate the person or institution asking for your information. Interrogation is not meant to be about forceful or physical questioning. I define interrogation as clear, aggressive questioning used to establish whom you can trust, how far you can trust them, and with what information.

Posted in Fraud Detection & Prevention, Identity Theft Prevention by Identity Theft Speaker .
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