Snapchat Hacked? Duh! Of Course It Was.

Snapchat Hacked! Is there any sense of wonder left when another Internet giant (or any corporation, for that matter) gets hacked and loses your private information? No, the mystery died years ago, which is why we’ve basically forgotten about Target already. Of course was hacked. Here’s the recipe for how your corporation can be like theirs:
- Collect a ga-gillion pieces of user data all while…
- Paying lip service to privacy and security measures until…
- Your database is hacked, the press circles & customers revolt while…
- You pay expensive recovery costs and belatedly decide to…
- Implement security & privacy measures that could’ve saved you a ga-gillion.
Breach Happens, no matter how big or how small you are. But breach destroys only when you are unprepared. When it comes to privacy, the most effective medicine is getting burned. Snapchat is lucky to have experienced it early in their lifetime. When will you get hacked? Will it disappear in 11 seconds…