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Posts tagged "Social Media Privacy"
When was the last time you checked your privacy settings on your social media profiles? Being aware of the information you share is a critical step in securing your online identity. Below we’ve outlined some of the top social media sites and what you can do today to help keep your personal information safe.
FACEBOOK Social Media Privacy
Click the padlock icon in the upper right corner of Facebook, and run a Privacy
Checkup. This will walk you through three simple steps:
- Who you share status updates with
- A list of the apps that are connected to your Facebook page
- How personal information from your profile is shared.
As a rule of thumb, we recommend your Facebook Privacy setting be set to “Friends Only” to avoid sharing your information with strangers. You can confirm that all of your future posts will be visible to “Friends Only” by reselecting the padlock and clicking “Who can see my stuff?” then select “What do other people see on my timeline” and review the differences between your public and friends only profile. Oh, and don’t post anything stupid!
Posted in Online Privacy by Identity Theft Speaker John Sileo.
Tags: facebook privacy, Instagram, Instagram Privacy, John Sileo, Online/Social Media Privacy, Privacy, Sileo, Social Media Privacy, twitter, twitter privacy
Social network monitoring becomes big business. Fresh off the heels of learning that the NSA has been gleaning data about us using information found on social networking sites comes the news that a school district in California is paying a monitoring service to watch and report on what students are posting on sites like Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.
Glendale Unified School District is paying $40,000 over the next year to a company called Geo Listening to monitor its students’ social media activity. This program was introduced after one of their students, 15-year-old Drew Ferraro, committed suicide by jumping from the roof of Crescenta Valley High School. It started as a pilot project in three schools last year and is now being rolled out to all middle and high schools across the district.
Posted in Social Media Privacy by Identity Theft Speaker John Sileo.
Tags: "schools monitoring", “social network monitoring”, Expert, Facebook Monitoring, identity theft expert, John Sileo, monitoring kids social media, monitoring our kids, monitoring students", school surveillance, Sileo, Social Media Privacy, Social Networking Privacy, Speaker, Twitter Monitoring
School is out for the summer and the tasks that often fall upon the shoulders of your local schools are now sitting squarely on yours. In addition to making sure your kids practice their math facts, read regularly and get plenty of exercise, you’ll want to watch out for how they spend their free time when it comes to using Facebook, Tumblr, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube and other sites that can expose their social media privacy.
Social Media refers to web-based and mobile applications that allow individuals and organizations to create, engage, and share new user-generated or existing content in digital environments through multi-way communication. Okay, that’s too technical. Social media is the use of Internet tools to communicate with a broader group. Some of the most common examples are listed above. If you have elementary aged children, they may use more secure, school-controlled forms such as Schoology, Edmodo or Club Penguin, but if your kids are older, I can almost guarantee they’re into Social Media sites whether you know if or not.
Posted in Online Privacy, Social Media Privacy, Uncategorized by Identity Theft Speaker John Sileo.
Tags: "Online Privacy Expert", internet safety, John Sileo, online privacy, Social Media Privacy, social media safety, Social Networking Privacy
Do you know your social media privacy rights as they pertain to your workplace?
They will be different depending on where you live because the laws vary from state to state. Utah recently became the fifth state to put into effect such a law that governs the rights of both employees and employers. Legislation has also been introduced or is pending at the Federal level and in 35 states.
This has become a hot topic because more than 90 percent of employers use social media sites to help screen applicants. Since applicants have the ability to determine their online privacy settings to decide what is out there for public viewing, some employers have asked for access to their private social media content to get the real picture.
Posted in Social Media Privacy by Identity Theft Speaker John Sileo.
Tags: online privacy, Social Media Privacy
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SWBQVuPgeDc?rel=0]
This Tweet disrupted the stock market as well as gold and oil prices: “Two explosions in the White House and Barack Obama is injured”.
Posted in Online Privacy, Sileo In the News, Social Media Privacy by Identity Theft Speaker John Sileo.
Tags: AP Hack, John Sileo, Keynote Speaker, Social Media Privacy, twitter, twitter hack, Twitter privacy expert
The Associated Press’ primary Twitter account was hacked today, allegedly by a group called the Syrian Electronic Army. This is the same group that took responsibility for the 60 Minutes and 48 Hours account takeovers.

Once again, the Syrian Electronic Army has managed to take over the Twitter feed of a highly respected news agency, the Associated Press. As you can see in the screen shots above, the hackers used the hacked AP Twitter account to falsely report that there had been two explosions in the White House and that President Obama was injured. Note: Both reports are false.
Hijacking high-profile Twitter accounts and using them for nefarious purposes is nothing new. But causing the stock markets, oil and gold prices to plunge in response is a new, critically significant development.
Are we living in an age where 140 characters are so powerful that they can send the Dow Jones down by more than 100 points? Yes, we are.
Posted in Digital Reputation & Trust, Social Media Privacy by Identity Theft Speaker John Sileo.
Tags: Social Media Privacy
Despite its claim to being aware of social media privacy, Facebook continues to mine user activity for ad data. Now, it’s expanding beyond the boundaries of its site – and even your browser.
Though it claims to respect user privacy and keep its targets protected, Facebook is offering advertisers on its site a new way to narrow its audience through demographics based on specific purchases called “Partner Categories.” Beware of the rather innocuous official announcement which says that a local business could use it to find customers who may be willing to give them their business, according to recent purchases. The feature would accomplish this using third party data collection companies like Acxiom to build predictions based on what you have bought.
Previously, advertisers showed ads to us based on the interests we expressed on Facebook. Now, they have the added ammunition of knowing every product and brand we’ve purchased through our desktop or mobile.
Posted in Social Media Privacy by Identity Theft Speaker John Sileo.
Tags: data security, Social Media Privacy
All Facebook Home will cost you is … well … your right to social media privacy on your Android phone. That’s a steep price to pay for Facebook Home saving you the extra step of clicking through a mobile app to access photos, updates and messages.
Facebook recently announced its new application “Home,” which will essentially replace the standard home screen of a user’s Android phone, giving users all Facebook, all the time. If you thought this social media colossus had control over data before, wait until users start willingly handing over their home screens. By doing so, they’re offering up valuable information contained in their mobile phones.
Facebook makes it very cloudy to know what you’re actually giving away. And though it may not be as much as the doomsayers predict, it surely is more than you’ll want to willingly contribute. For instance, Facebook’s new feature “Chat Head” combines Facebook messages with SMS. Even if it’s not collecting voice data from calls, it will likely gather data such as who you’ve called, how long you talked and how often that number is called.
Posted in Social Media Privacy by Identity Theft Speaker John Sileo.
Tags: cyber data protection, Social Media Privacy
One billion people worldwide use Facebook to share the details of their lives with their friends and may be unaware their Facebook Privacy could be compromised. Trouble is, they also might be unintentionally divulging matters they consider private to co-workers, clients and employers.
Worse yet, they may be sharing their privacy with marketing companies and even scammers, competitors and identity thieves. Luckily, with some Facebook privacy tips, you can help protect your account online.
Here are six ways Facebook could be compromising your private information and how to protect yourself:
1. The new Timeline format brings old lapses in judgment back to light. Timeline, introduced in late 2011, makes it easy for people to search back through your old Facebook posts, something that was very difficult to do in the past. That could expose private matters and embarrassing photos that you’ve long since forgotten posting.
Posted in Social Media Privacy by Identity Theft Speaker John Sileo.
Tags: "Online Privacy Expert", Facebook, facebook privacy, Facebook Safety, Identity Theft Prevention, Identity Theft Speaker, John Sileo, Online/Social Media Privacy, Social Media Privacy