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How Do I Stop Obamacare Identity Theft? [Burning Questions Ep. 3]


Today marks the start of the Affordable Care Act (aka Obamacare). As with any new, massive, government-sponsored program, scammers and identity thieves will try to take advantage of the public’s confusion and unfamiliarity with the new Health Exchanges (which we’re calling Obamacare Identity Theft).

Posted in Burning Questions (Video), Identity Theft Prevention, Video Tips by Identity Theft Speaker .
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Cyber Security Webinar: What You Absolutely, Positively Need to Know (10/3/13)

Security Keynote Speaker John Sileo

Register Now for Deluxe/Sileo’s Free Cyber Security Webinar

On October 3, 2013 at 1pm ET, Deluxe and data privacy expert John Sileo will present a FREE Cyber Security Webinar – What You Absolutely, Positively Need to Know.

A 2012 survey by the highly respected Ponemon Institute found that 55% of small businesses had experienced at least one data breach in 2012. At the heart of this massive data loss is lax cyber security: an overly broad term that will no longer intimidate you after this webinar. Technology has evolved so quickly that many businesses and individuals find themselves behind the digital curve and overwhelmed by the prospect of protecting the very data that underlies their wealth. While in this state, decision makers tend to shut down, make excuses and assume that there is no reasonable, inexpensive way to protect themselves and their business. That assumption is not only wrong, it is dangerous.

Posted in Cyber Data Security, Fraud Detection & Prevention, Identity Theft Prevention by Identity Theft Speaker .
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Medical Identity Theft Expert John Sileo on Fox

[youtube] Medical Identity Theft Expert John Sileo speaks with Fox and Friends about how to avoid medical identity theft, and whether or not it can kill you. Luckily, even if medical identity theft could theoretically kill you, there are excellent and easy steps you can take to catch it early or prevent it entirely. Watch the video and then comment below with your questions or expertise.

John Sileo is a keynote speaker and medical identity theft expert with clients that include the Pentagon, Pfizer, Blue Cross, Blue Shield and many other health and financial organizations. See other videos on Medical Identity Theft here.


Posted in Identity Theft Prevention, Sileo In the News by Identity Theft Speaker .
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Can Medical Identity Theft Really Kill You? [Burning Questions Ep. 2]


There has been a great deal in the news about medical identity theft leading to death. Is it possible? Yes. Is it likely? Less likely than dying of a heart attack because you eat too much bacon. But let’s explore the possibility of death by medical identity theft (below, in this article), and why the threat gets sensationalized (in the video).

Posted in Burning Questions (Video), Identity Theft Prevention, Video Tips by Identity Theft Speaker .
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Does Homeland Security’s Seizure of Electronic Devices Cross the Border?


It is the 12th anniversary of 9/11, and I’m writing this on the plane back to the U.S. from Canada. Flying on the anniversary didn’t make me nervous, which is a testament to my somewhat renewed trust in airline security; trust reinforced by the lack of a terrorist attack since the DOHS was formed on 9/22/01. As I snaked through 67 stressful minutes of pre-customs, customs, and security lines, I watched the gentleman next to me, dark skinned, get pulled aside for additional screening.

Normally, his detention might not have struck me; but just yesterday I learned from a New York Times investigation that when we cross an international border, our electronic devices can be confiscated, accessed and analyzed without a regular search warrant. We simply need to be flagged in a certain “list” compiled by our government. This is they type of detail that most people won’t care about until it happens to them – until the inconvenience is theirs, not a stranger’s. But we should care, because privacy-wise, we might be slipping beyond the point of difficult return.

Posted in Cyber Data Security, Sileo In the News by Identity Theft Speaker .
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How Do I Delete My Facebook Account? [Burning Questions Ep. 1]


I was asked recently by someone, “How do I delete my Facebook account?”  Why would anyone want to do that?  Perhaps because Facebook has announced that they are making more changes to their data use policy.  This time, they are trying a trick that they have tried before and simply by using their software, you are agreeing to it.

Here’s what it is.  They can take any of your photos- say a profile photo or pictures of your kids, and when you “like” a product, they can advertise your photo next to that product.  In essence, this means you are endorsing those things you have liked in an advertisement.

So imagine your teenage daughter has a giggly sleepover with friends.  They’re on Facebook and they see a Bacardi ad and to be cool your daughter “likes” it and then she likes the movie Magic Mike (even though she hasn’t even seen it), but now her name and her photos are associated with those two likes and is shared across her entire network.

So, why do people want to delete their Facebook accounts?  Maybe because they’re tired of giving their privacy away, they’re tired of the arrogance of Facebook obviously making these changes for commercial profit purposes and they try to sell it to us as if it’s for the greater good of the user.

There is so much of our information out there that is not under our control.  But social networks such as Facebook are under our control, so people want to take back control of the little privacy they have.

Now, I don’t want you to go out and take an emotional response and just cancel your Facebook account. As you will see in this episode, there is a right way to delete your account, and a wrong way. Choose wisely.  I want you to think about it and take four steps:

  1. Backup your data.
  2. Deactivate your account for a week or two first to see if you really want to live without it.
  3. Alert your friends if you do decide to permanently delete your account.  The intention is to protect your privacy, not anger your friends!
  4. Delete your account.

(Watch the video to see exactly how to do all of these steps.)

Posted in Burning Questions (Video), Online Privacy, Social Media Privacy by Identity Theft Speaker .
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Sileo Speaking at NAFCU Technology and Security Conference

Credit Union Members: A special thanks to NAFCU for having me back a second year to present at their Technology and Security Conference.  Join us in Vegas for some fun and really get into the nuts and bolts of cyber security.

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Posted in Cyber Data Security by Identity Theft Speaker .
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Internet Privacy & Kids: Social Network Monitoring in Schools

librarians-watching computer use
Social network monitoring becomes big business. Fresh off the heels of learning that the NSA has been gleaning data about us using information found on social networking sites comes the news that a school district in California is paying a monitoring service to watch and report on what students are posting on sites like Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.

Glendale Unified School District is paying $40,000 over the next year to a company called Geo Listening to monitor its students’ social media activity.  This program was introduced after one of their students, 15-year-old Drew Ferraro, committed suicide by jumping from the roof of Crescenta Valley High School.  It started as a pilot project in three schools last year and is now being rolled out to all middle and high schools across the district.

Posted in Social Media Privacy by Identity Theft Speaker .
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Higher Education Features Cyber Security Expert John Sileo

Universities perfect learning environment for data security

Higher Ed Organizations are among the highest risk groups to become victims of identity theft and data breach. Because students are relative “beginners” when it comes to personal finances, because university environments are predicated on trust and credibility, and because of the recent progress towards a mobile-centric, social-networking-dominated campus, higher education’s digital footprint is constantly exposed to manipulation.

"The most engaging speaker I've ever heard - period"

“The most engaging speaker I’ve ever heard – period.”  Debbie Bumpous, NSU Chief Information Technology Officer speaking about John Sileo

“John Sileo was the secret sauce in launching our cyber security awareness program” – University of Massachusetts Director of IT

Posted in Identity Theft Prevention by Identity Theft Speaker .
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