Click the Photo to Watch the Video on the Rachael Ray Site
We wanted to share some good news! John will be appearing on CBS’s The Rachael Ray Show this Wednesday, January 29 to talk about the latest identity theft trends and threats. Watch a trailer of the show or find out when and where it airs in your area.
Rachael asked John to go into one of their audience members homes and pick it apart from a privacy standpoint. John took a look at everything, from items hidden under the mattress to filing cabinets, trash cans, computers, mobile devices and more. If you want to learn how to bulletproof your home and self against identity theft, tune in tomorrow morning to The Rachael Ray Show (CBS).
Snapchat Hacked! Is there any sense of wonder left when another Internet giant (or any corporation, for that matter) gets hacked and loses your private information? No, the mystery died years ago, which is why we’ve basically forgotten about Target already. Of was hacked. Here’s the recipe for how your corporation can be like theirs:
Collect a ga-gillion pieces of user data all while…
Paying lip service to privacy and security measures until…
Your database is hacked, the press circles & customers revolt while…
You pay expensive recovery costs and belatedly decide to…
Implement security & privacy measures that could’ve saved you a ga-gillion.
Breach Happens, no matter how big or how small you are. But breach destroys only when you are unprepared. When it comes to privacy, the most effective medicine is getting burned. Snapchat is lucky to have experienced it early in their lifetime. When will you get hacked? Will it disappear in 11 seconds… has chosen its “word of the year”. Thank the etymological gods it’s not selfie, twerk or hashtag. No, this year’s most relevant, most searched word is:
Call me geeky, but this is happy news to privacy experts, because it raises consciousness that this stuff (your right to keep certain information to your self) actually matters.
And consciousness has definitely been raised in 2013:
Data security and privacy experts everywhere should thank Edward Snowden for exposing the NSA surveillance programs that monitor every American’s phone calls, Facebook posts and emails for signs of terrorism (and any other data they care to intercept).
Thanks to SnapChat for making deleted photos recoverable (despite claims they disappear).
Additional kudos to Google Glass for raising awareness on how easy it is to capture intellectual property as criminals videotape their way through Fortune 500 offices, record ATM PIN numbers of the bank customer in front of them and deploy instant facial recognition software in a variety of social engineering schemes.
Before landing in Helsinki, home to 600,000 of it’s 5.4 million Finns, I expected the lack of extroverts to mean I’d be delivering my keynote speech to a roomful of grumpy, anti-social Scandinavians. In the speaking business, we call it Death by Silence. By departure, I realized that not only is Finland not a part of Scandinavia1, but that introversion has little to do with reclusiveness, lack of expression or sociability.
Kristian, my taxi driver from the airport, confirmed in impeccable English that Finns, including him, would happily stare at their boots rather than look a stranger in the eye. “We have not much time for small talk and if you smile at us before we know you, we might trust you less. And we like Formula One racing,” he added, with rumbling laughter. Racing is a solitary sport, I noted; laughter is not.
Hospital Associations Choose Engaging Keynote Speaker on Data Privacy & Security
Healthcare Organizations and the patients and clients they serve are among the highest risk groups to be affected by data breach, identity theft and privacy abuse. With the implementation of Healthcare Exchanges (Obamacare), and the electronification of patient records, the industry is wide open to scammers, fraudsters and criminals.
A simple Google search on the term data breach healthcare reveals hundreds of hospitals, doctor’s offices and medical facilities that have had their databases hacked, their patients’ and employees’ identities stolen and their organization’s private information and intellectual property compromised. Data theft is bad for customers, time consuming for the healthcare organization and a public relations nightmare for the industry. John Sileo knows the healthcare industry’s pain first hand, as he is generally the person contacted by the hospital after they have been breached.
Register Now for Deluxe/Sileo’s Free Cyber Security Webinar
On October 3, 2013 at 1pm ET, Deluxe and data privacy expert John Sileo will present a FREE Cyber Security Webinar – What You Absolutely, Positively Need to Know.
A 2012 survey by the highly respected Ponemon Institute found that 55% of small businesses had experienced at least one data breach in 2012. At the heart of this massive data loss is lax cyber security:an overly broad term that will no longer intimidate you after this webinar. Technology has evolved so quickly that many businesses and individuals find themselves behind the digital curve and overwhelmed by the prospect of protecting the very data that underlies their wealth. While in this state, decision makers tend to shut down, make excuses and assume that there is no reasonable, inexpensive way to protect themselves and their business. That assumption is not only wrong, it is dangerous.
It is the 12th anniversary of 9/11, and I’m writing this on the plane back to the U.S. from Canada. Flying on the anniversary didn’t make me nervous, which is a testament to my somewhat renewed trust in airline security; trust reinforced by the lack of a terrorist attack since the DOHS was formed on 9/22/01. As I snaked through 67 stressful minutes of pre-customs, customs, and security lines, I watched the gentleman next to me, dark skinned, get pulled aside for additional screening.
Normally, his detention might not have struck me; but just yesterday I learned from a New York Times investigation that when we cross an international border, our electronic devices can be confiscated, accessed and analyzed without a regular search warrant. We simply need to be flagged in a certain “list” compiled by our government. This is they type of detail that most people won’t care about until it happens to them – until the inconvenience is theirs, not a stranger’s. But we should care, because privacy-wise, we might be slipping beyond the point of difficult return.
Credit Union Members: A special thanks to NAFCU for having me back a second year to present at their Technology and Security Conference. Join us in Vegas for some fun and really get into the nuts and bolts of cyber security.
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