Latest "Online Privacy" Posts

Why Facebook Privacy Settings Don’t Matter

A new article in PC world discusses why the privacy settings on Facebook don’t matter – it instead blames the user for their own data breach. It recommends that those on Facebook should use their common sense and think in the long term. By controlling what you share and only sharing what is responsible Facebook is no longer in charge of your privacy.

Why Facebook Privacy Settings Don’t Matter

John C. Dvorak – I find it endlessly amusing how so many articles are written about Facebook and its cavalier lack of concern over privacy issues (case in point: Read Dan Costa’s column). A large community is up in arms over the fact that Facebook consistently changes the way it operates and constantly resets the privacy settings of the users to nil, as in NO PRIVACY.

Posted in Identity Theft Prevention, Online Privacy by Identity Theft Speaker .
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Is Google building a Facebook Rival?

According to CNN and Facebook CTO Adam D’Angelo they are.

(CNN) — Google is working on a social service to rival Facebook, if web rumors are to be believed.

And while Google’s social-networking efforts have so far fallen flat, even satisfied Facebook users should hope that the search engine’s efforts bear fruit.

First, to the rumor: A now-deleted Tweet last weekend from entrepreneur Kevin Rose claimed  that Google is working on a Facebook competitor called “Google Me.”

That claim gained credence as former Facebook CTO Adam D’Angelo weighed in. Posting a response on the question-and-answer service Quora, D’Angelo wrote: “This is not a rumor. This is a real project. There are a large number of people working on it. I am completely confident about this.”

Google, he added, is threatened by Facebook’s rise to prominence and feels the need to build a social network of its own.

Posted in Online Privacy by Identity Theft Speaker .
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The Facebook Movie Will Prove You’re an Addict

The new movie on Facebook entitled “The Social Network” released its first teaser trailer. The film, better recognized as “The Facebook Movie,” follows the early days of the world’s most powerful social networking site. It follows Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook CEO, from the creation of the website through the destruction of a friendship with his co-founders. In the process, it exposes the history behind the information sharing site that Facebook users will wish they knew sooner.

Facebook has had overwhelming success and gained huge momentum since they began in a Harvard dorm room in 2005. Their ability to get you and I to share personal information that we normally wouldn’t has made privacy a huge concern with the site.  Zukerberg has faced scrutiny recently with the privacy changes that make more of your information available to businesses on Facebook that purchase your data in order to sell to you in a more targeted way.

Posted in Online Privacy by Identity Theft Speaker .
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Are Your Kids Safe Online?

As a parent you are often worried about what your kids are being exposed to on the Internet. Apparently so are Facebook and the PTA. They have teamed up to teach parents and children about responsible Internet use. They plan to cover cyber-bullying, internet safety and security and “citizenship online,” according to a news release.

“Nothing is more important to us than the well-being of the people, especially the many teenagers, who use Facebook,” said Sheryl Sandberg, Facebook’s chief operating officer.

Facebook is the number one social media site with over 500 million users and a minimum age requirement of 13. Even that requirement can be easily fudged because Facebook has no way of verifying a user’s age besides asking for their birth date when they register. Parents are having trouble deciding whether to let their children join Facebook prematurely and what they should be cautious of if they do so.

Posted in Identity Theft Prevention, Online Privacy by Identity Theft Speaker .
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Online Safety: The Truth About Social Media Identity Theft

A New Study from the Ponemon Institute Reveals How Online Safety Behavior Leaves Consumers Vulnerable to Identity Theft.

Although more than 80% of study respondents expressed concern about their security while using social media, more than half of these same individuals admitted they do not take any steps to actively protect themselves. This data clearly demonstrates that while people may acknowledge that security is important, many do nothing to protect their information online.

Other key findings from the survey include the following:

  • Approximately 65% of users do not set high privacy or security settings in their social media sites.
  • More than 90% of users do not review a given Website’s privacy policy before engaging in use.
  • Approximately 40% of all respondents share their physical home address through social media applications.

Posted in Identity Theft Prevention, Online Privacy by Identity Theft Speaker .
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Facebook Safety Survival Guide

Introducing the Newest Guide to Protect you & your family’s identity:

Facebook Safety
Survival Guide

Includes the

Parents’ Guide to Online Safety

Order your copy Today to get our special introductory pricing of $12.95 or order the Ebook below for only $9.95 !

There is no final word on how to use Facebook safely. Here’s why: social networking and the web change too quickly. The social network you use today is not the same one you will use tomorrow or next month. The privacy settings, functionality, connectability and features are constantly evolving, which means that almost no one has a handle on every aspect of this topic. Those who tell you that they have the final answer are probably selling you something you shouldn’t buy.

Posted in Identity Theft Prevention, Online Privacy by Identity Theft Speaker .
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Facebook Announces New Privacy Settings

Last week we announced that Facebook was changing their privacy settings – again! Well the new changes have arrived and should be active on your Facebook the next time you log in. The Instructions that will lead you through the new settings will be posted at the top of your mini-feed:


By clicking on the Learn More button you will be directed to the Controlling How You Share Page:


This page will contain a long list of descriptions of your privacy settings, what you can control and what is made public and out of your control.  Click Edit your privacy settings to make the appropriate changes to protect your information and what you want to share on Facebook.


Posted in Identity Theft Prevention, Online Privacy by Identity Theft Speaker .
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You are Facebook’s Inventory

This quote by Daniel Lyons in Newsweek establishes exactly why Facebook drags it’s feet on privacy. Why write more when he has summarized it so eloquently (emphasis mine)?

The most important thing to understand about Facebook is that you are not Facebook’s customer, you are its inventory. You are the product Facebook is selling. Facebook’s real customers are advertisers. You, as a Facebook member, are useful only because you can be packaged up and sold to advertisers. The more information Facebook can get from you, the more you are worth.

Read the full Newsweek article: Who Needs Friends Like Facebook?.

Order the Facebook Safety Survival Guide to make sure you and your children are protected online.

Posted in Online Privacy by Identity Theft Speaker .
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Facebook Changing Privacy Settings – Again!

Facebook faced major backlash last month after they implemented a new tool that linked your interests to sites across the Internet and allowed third parties access to your information unless you specifically deny such access. As we mentioned in yesterday’s blog about an easy way to configure your privacy settings in Facebook, there are 50 different settings with more than 170 options!

Many Facebook users have been extremely vocal about their frustrations, even organizing efforts to quit the quickly growing site. According to CNN Facebook will be reversing these changes today to make them simpler for the user with the intent of increasing user privacy.

“I can confirm that our new, simpler user controls will begin rolling out tomorrow. I can’t say more yet,” Facebook spokesman Andrew Noyes told CNN in an e-mail Tuesday.

Posted in Identity Theft Prevention, Online Privacy by Identity Theft Speaker .
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