Posts tagged "“Delete Facebook”"

How Do I Delete My Facebook Account? [Burning Questions Ep. 1]


I was asked recently by someone, “How do I delete my Facebook account?”  Why would anyone want to do that?  Perhaps because Facebook has announced that they are making more changes to their data use policy.  This time, they are trying a trick that they have tried before and simply by using their software, you are agreeing to it.

Here’s what it is.  They can take any of your photos- say a profile photo or pictures of your kids, and when you “like” a product, they can advertise your photo next to that product.  In essence, this means you are endorsing those things you have liked in an advertisement.

So imagine your teenage daughter has a giggly sleepover with friends.  They’re on Facebook and they see a Bacardi ad and to be cool your daughter “likes” it and then she likes the movie Magic Mike (even though she hasn’t even seen it), but now her name and her photos are associated with those two likes and is shared across her entire network.

So, why do people want to delete their Facebook accounts?  Maybe because they’re tired of giving their privacy away, they’re tired of the arrogance of Facebook obviously making these changes for commercial profit purposes and they try to sell it to us as if it’s for the greater good of the user.

There is so much of our information out there that is not under our control.  But social networks such as Facebook are under our control, so people want to take back control of the little privacy they have.

Now, I don’t want you to go out and take an emotional response and just cancel your Facebook account. As you will see in this episode, there is a right way to delete your account, and a wrong way. Choose wisely.  I want you to think about it and take four steps:

  1. Backup your data.
  2. Deactivate your account for a week or two first to see if you really want to live without it.
  3. Alert your friends if you do decide to permanently delete your account.  The intention is to protect your privacy, not anger your friends!
  4. Delete your account.

(Watch the video to see exactly how to do all of these steps.)

Posted in Burning Questions (Video), Online Privacy, Social Media Privacy by Identity Theft Speaker .
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Boil the Frog Slowly: A Facebook Privacy Map

You are the frog and Facebook is the slowly boiling water. Here is an excellent visual representation of how your default Facebook Privacy Settings have changed over the years. If you want to see the interactive version, click on the picture below and it will take you to the website where you can click on the image year by year and watch your privacy erode. Essentially, the amount of blue on the chart is how much of your information Facebook is sharing with the outside world. Can you say boil the frog slowly?

I found this map in a revealing article on Facebook’s founder, Mark Zuckerburg published by The Register (U.K.).

The first source for the disturbing comments attributed to Zuckerburg were pointed out to me by my lead researcher, Liz. This article on Mr. Zuckerburg calling his first Facebook users dumbf*&%#$.  appeared on

Posted in Online Privacy by Identity Theft Speaker .
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How Do I Delete My Facebook Account? | Sileo


How do I delete my Facebook account?

I get asked how to delete a Facebook account nearly every day; whether it’s at my speeches, by my clients, or by my friends and family. It used to be that people no longer wanted the mundane information overload that Facebook promotes. But now they are looking at it from a privacy perspective – they no longer want their thoughts, pictures, and videos shared indiscriminately with people they don’t know.

The defections have been sparked by Facebook’s continuing march to sell your private information (with only your implied consent, i.e., simply by using Facebook, you agree to their terms) with an ever widening circle of people who are NOT YOUR FRIENDS (advertisers, data miners, and unfortunately, identity thieves). Many of the corporations I speak for have me include a component on safe social networking because the information their employees are posting (personally or professionally) are damaging their corporate brand and profits either through data leakage or as a beach-head for social engineering and other types of fraud.

Posted in Online Privacy, Social Media Privacy by Identity Theft Speaker .
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