Posts tagged "“How to”"

Is There a Good Side to Facebook?

AskSileo Episode 5: Is there a good side to Facebook?

There are absolutely good sides to Facebook and social networking. They engage people in ways that they aren’t engaged otherwise. As your children experience that moment of euphoria that comes from these new connections, use their enthusiasm to start a conversation about what is appropriate online and what isn’t. The more you get involved, the safer they will be.

What are your questions? Let me know if the comments box below. Who knows, your question might appear next on AskSileo!
For more tips on privacy, identity and reputation control, subscribe to the AskSileo video series or to the Sileo Blog.

Posted in Burning Questions (Video), Online Privacy, Video Tips by Identity Theft Speaker .
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Does Facebook Chemically Addict My Child?

AskSileo Episode 4: Does Facebook Chemically Addict My Child?

When we talk about ourselves, it is scientifically proven that we get mini hits of a natural drug called dopamine. It makes us feel better and because of that, it is addictive. Facebook, and social media are all about talking about ourselves. Why does Facebook have 1 Billion users? Because they have an addictive business model, and we are it’s test subjects.

What are your questions? Let me know if the comments box below. Who knows, your question might appear next on AskSileo!
For more tips on privacy, identity and reputation control, subscribe to the AskSileo video series or to the Sileo Blog.

Posted in Burning Questions (Video), Online Privacy, Video Tips by Identity Theft Speaker .
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How Long Does it Take to Secure Facebook?

AskSileo Episode 3: How long should I spend setting up Facebook’s privacy and security settings?

If you haven’t spent at least 90 minutes with your child setting up their Facebook account, you can be pretty certain that they are not as protected as they should be. Here are the three most important security steps that will make your child much safer on social media:

  • Read through and customize each Privacy Setting in Facebook
  • Do the same for the Security Settings
  • If your child is old enough (if they are following the 13 and older rule, they are old enough) have them read through Facebook’s Data Use Policy, taking notes on what they learn. There is nothing like reading it for themselves to get them to care about what they are exposing to the world.
What are your questions? Let me know if the comments box below. Who knows, your question might appear next on AskSileo!
For more tips on privacy, identity and reputation control, subscribe to the AskSileo video series or to the Sileo Blog.

Posted in Burning Questions (Video), Online Privacy, Video Tips by Identity Theft Speaker .
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Are Your Kids Being Pressured to Use Facebook?

AskSileo Episode 2: Is there Social Pressure to be on Facebook?

Undoubtedly, our kids face social pressure and pay a penalty if they decide to not be on Facebook. They are often accused of not being cool, feel left out of social events and updates that are no longer communicated in person and are looked at differently (out of touch) for choosing to not join the masses.

I want to hear about the social pressures your kids have faced! Share with us in the comments below. 
For more tips on privacy, identity and reputation control, subscribe to the AskSileo video series or to the Sileo Blog.

Posted in Online Privacy by Identity Theft Speaker .
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Oh No! My Kid Wants to Get on Facebook… What Now?

I’m starting a new video series on my AskSileo YouTube channel to address common questions that parents have about their kid’s safety on Facebook and online privacy in general.

AskSileo Episode 1: Children’s Safety on Facebook and Social Networking (drawing from first-hand experience)

I get this question all of the time: Is my kid safe on Facebook? The answer to that questions depends on three basic factors:

  • The amount of time you have invested in helping your child set up their Facebook account. If you haven’t spent at least 90 minutes in the process, they are in no way safe. It takes at least 1.5 hours to wisely populate their profile, customize privacy and security settings and read through the Facebook Data Use Policy (notice that Facebook no longer refers to it as a privacy policy, because the reality is that you have almost no privacy on Facebook).

Posted in Burning Questions (Video), Online Privacy, Video Tips by Identity Theft Speaker .
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How Do I Delete My Facebook Account? | Sileo


How do I delete my Facebook account?

I get asked how to delete a Facebook account nearly every day; whether it’s at my speeches, by my clients, or by my friends and family. It used to be that people no longer wanted the mundane information overload that Facebook promotes. But now they are looking at it from a privacy perspective – they no longer want their thoughts, pictures, and videos shared indiscriminately with people they don’t know.

The defections have been sparked by Facebook’s continuing march to sell your private information (with only your implied consent, i.e., simply by using Facebook, you agree to their terms) with an ever widening circle of people who are NOT YOUR FRIENDS (advertisers, data miners, and unfortunately, identity thieves). Many of the corporations I speak for have me include a component on safe social networking because the information their employees are posting (personally or professionally) are damaging their corporate brand and profits either through data leakage or as a beach-head for social engineering and other types of fraud.

Posted in Online Privacy, Social Media Privacy by Identity Theft Speaker .
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