Posts tagged "online data security"

WordPress a new target in latest online data security threat

Wordpress Online Data Security

Do you manage a blog or company site powered by WordPress? If so, your online data security may be in jeopardy.

Any popular site for hosting content can be a natural magnet for the devious intentions of hackers. Wordpress is free and easy to use, and its popularity has made it a victim of security breaches before.

In the most recent case, the culprit seems to be a botnet – a collection of internet-connected programs communicating with other similar programs in order to perform tasks. This botnet prays on the careless and naive by targeting any site with a login that contains the word “admin” or other default-sounding names and by predicting passwords. It goes to show that when it comes to crafting your digital identity, applying even basic computer tricks taught to kids in elementary school these days can help protect your rights and information. 

Posted in Cyber Data Security by Identity Theft Speaker .
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