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Credit Union Members: A special thanks to NAFCU for having me back a second year to present at their Technology and Security Conference. Join us in Vegas for some fun and really get into the nuts and bolts of cyber security.

Posted in Cyber Data Security by Identity Theft Speaker John Sileo.
Tags: Cyber, Cyber Security, Cyber Security Speaker, Expert, Identity Theft Speaker, John Sileo, Security, Sileo, Speaker
Social network monitoring becomes big business. Fresh off the heels of learning that the NSA has been gleaning data about us using information found on social networking sites comes the news that a school district in California is paying a monitoring service to watch and report on what students are posting on sites like Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.
Glendale Unified School District is paying $40,000 over the next year to a company called Geo Listening to monitor its students’ social media activity. This program was introduced after one of their students, 15-year-old Drew Ferraro, committed suicide by jumping from the roof of Crescenta Valley High School. It started as a pilot project in three schools last year and is now being rolled out to all middle and high schools across the district.
Posted in Social Media Privacy by Identity Theft Speaker John Sileo.
Tags: "schools monitoring", “social network monitoring”, Expert, Facebook Monitoring, identity theft expert, John Sileo, monitoring kids social media, monitoring our kids, monitoring students", school surveillance, Sileo, Social Media Privacy, Social Networking Privacy, Speaker, Twitter Monitoring
Do you want to know how businesses can protect themselves and enhance their online reputations?
Would you like to know the answers to the following questions?
- Are businesses adequately protecting themselves online? If not, what more should they be doing?
- What is business fraud and how does it differ from consumer fraud?
- What should companies be thinking about when they get involved with social media?
- What can businesses do to monitor their online reputation?
- Should companies respond to everything negative said about them online? If not, what should they focus on?
- Should businesses be paying attention to their employees online? If so, how can they do that in an ethical way?
- What is the most important advice you would give a new business just starting to develop an online presence?
To learn the answers to these important questions, read the interview I recently did with Reputation.com.
Posted in Uncategorized by Identity Theft Speaker John Sileo.
Tags: “business fraud”, Expert, identity theft expert, John Sileo, Online Reputation, Reputation & Trust, Sileo, Speaker
Wrap Up Your Mobile Security this Holiday Season!
Your clients compute almost as much on mobile devices as on desktop computers. They read banking and investment emails on their smartphones, log in to sensitive financial accounts via their iPad and store mission critical data on their laptops. But along with the freedom and efficiency of mobile computing comes a great deal of risk – risk that threatens their net worth. Small devices are easier to lose, simple to steal and are tempting targets for data theft. And to top it all off, your clients protect their mobile devices like mere phones and book readers, instead of the computers they really are.
So, if you are thinking ahead about what to get your best clients for the holidays, we have the answer. How about a thorough list of privacy prevention practices to get them safely from Black Friday through New Year’s Eve? Sure beats a reindeer sweater or a fruitcake!
Posted in Uncategorized by Identity Theft Speaker John Sileo.
Tags: “Financial Planners”, “gift for clients”, “Holiday gift”, “Holiday gifts”, Clients, Gifts, holiday, identity theft expert, John Sileo, Mobile Security, Speaker
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w2oxGBSDW9E&ns?rel=0]
The story about the Texas parents who were terrified when their child’s video baby monitor was hacked struck me at first as a minor incident when viewed in the whole scheme of the world of hackers. After all, it is a rare event, no one was hurt, no threats were overtly made, and the child herself even slept through the event. But when I read more about it, I became increasingly bothered by the fact that I was not initially bothered by it! I mean, is that the creepiest of all feelings, to know that a stranger is watching your kids?
Posted in Cyber Data Security, Sileo In the News by Identity Theft Speaker John Sileo.
Tags: “security breach”, Expert, Hacking, identity theft expert, John Sileo, Sileo, Speaker

Mobile Security Webinar: Defending the Devices that Power Your Productivity
Admit it. You compute almost as much on mobile devices as you do on your main computer. You are hyper efficient because you are always connected. You read work emails on your iPhone or Droid, log in to sensitive Internet accounts via iPad and store mission critical files on your laptop. Thanks to the independence, flexibility and efficiency afforded by mobile gadgets, desktop computing is quickly becoming an outdated notion. To remain nimble and relevant, you must be able to connect, communicate and compute from anywhere.

But along with the rewards of freedom, mobile computing also comes with risk. Small devices are easier to lose, simple to steal and targets for data theft. Here’s the good news: Deluxe can help you stay one step ahead of the hackers, competitors and criminals looking to use your data to drive their profits.
Posted in Cyber Data Security, Identity Theft Prevention by Identity Theft Speaker John Sileo.
Tags: Deluxe, Expert, John Sileo, Mobile, mobile data, Mobile Security, Sileo, Speaker

Identity Theft: involves the misuse of another individual’s personal identifiable information for fraudulent purposes.
- Identity theft is the fastest-growing crime in the U.S., affecting 1 in 20 consumers.
Medical Identity Theft: occurs when someone uses an individual’s name and personal identity to fraudulently receive medical services, prescription drugs or goods, including attempts to commit fraudulent billing.
- Medical identity theft affected 2 million people in the U.S. in 2011.
Data Breach: a security incident in which sensitive, protected or confidential data is copied, transmitted, viewed, stolen or used by an unauthorized individual. Data Breaches may involve:
- Credit card numbers
- Personally identifiable information
- Protected health information
- Social Security Number
- Trade secrets
- Intellectual property
Who/What’s at Stake?
An identity is stolen every 3 seconds!
- 5 million Americans were victims of identity theft in 2003.
Posted in Cyber Data Security, Identity Theft Prevention by Identity Theft Speaker John Sileo.
Tags: “data breaches”, cyberterrorism, Data Breach, Expert, ID Experts, identity theft expert, John Sileo, Sileo, Speaker
Tax Time Identity Theft: Part 1 – Tax Preparers | Part 2 – Protecting Computers | Part 3 – IRS & Tax Scams
Secure your computers and copy machines from hackers.
Last year, more than 80 million Americans filed their tax returns electronically and even more stored tax-related information insecurely on their computers. To prevent electronic identity theft, implement the following security measures:
- Install anti-virus, anti-spam and anti-spyware software (generally referred to as a Security Suite) configured to download and install automatic updates. Failure to take this most basic and time-tested of steps allows malware attached to malicious emails, social media platforms and rogue websites to penetrate your entire system, giving thieves access to every computer on your network, not just one.
- Create strong alphanumeric passwords or utilize password protection software to protect the digital keys to your information.
- Encrypt hard drives or data-sensitive folders to keep out unwanted visitors.
Posted in Identity Theft Prevention by Identity Theft Speaker John Sileo.
Tags: "Tax Fraud Expert", “Choosing a Tax Advisor”, “Electronic identity theft”, “Fraudulent Tax Claims”, “Fraudulent Tax Returns”, “Tax Related Identity Theft”, Expert, Filing tax electronically, John Sileo, Sileo, Speaker, Tax Identity Theft
You and I have come to think of our Smartphones as indispensable tools. Flaws recently discovered in mobile apps for Facebook, Linkedin and Dropbox could turn our tools into weapons by exposing us to data theft at many levels, including personal identity theft and corporate data loss.
Taking extra precautions now will protect not only your Smartphone but other devices, too, as the flaw may well be present in other mobile applications including many iOS games.
Apparently, Facebook’s iOS and Android apps don’t encrypt their users’ login credentials. These flaws expose users to identity theft by saving user authentication keys (usernames and passwords) in easily accessible, plain text files. These unencrypted files may be stolen, transferred to another device in a matter of minutes, and used to access the victim’s accounts without ever having to enter any user login credentials.
Posted in Cyber Data Security, Fraud Detection & Prevention, Identity Theft Prevention by Identity Theft Speaker John Sileo.
Tags: Android, Applications, Apps, data security, encryption, Expert, iOS, iPhone, John Sileo, Mobile, Mobile Apps, Mobile Security, Privacy, Security, Smart Phone, Smartphone, Speaker